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Uploading ....
- DHCP ( DHCP client, static failover, auto MAC, DHCP name, router address, port forwarding support, testing, power up issue)
1a - default static IP if DHCP fails - - the device will operate normally at 1b - Device will operate normally when DNS fails or if NTP fails. 1c - if the Ethernet connection is lost - DHCP will occur once the Ethernet connection is restored
- Remote access - Completed
2a - ipaddress/config.cgi does not redirect to ipaddress/ for login - we need that redirection if the user is not logged in
- Logo update - Completed
- Flash memory configuration - 256kb total in 2k blocks - 128 blocks
the CPU has 48kbyte memory - the is 24 blocks of 2k each System variables are stored in ram, and when changes are made, are copied in 2k blocks to flash. Completed
- New Network configuration page Completed
- DHCP name ( default is GBT-24-maclsb) - show this name on the HUD - moved from password box - set time zone, get time from 0.north-america.pool.ntp.org or other - needs NTP UDP Client, checkbox to enable - Static option ( ip, Router, Subnet, DNS) - Checkbox to enable - management port ( default is 80) - once changed ( cannot be less than 80 ) then the web pages are at a different port - Display the mac address
- MAC address generated and stored in flash Completed
to convert to reserved OUI range later
- Name of the port is 30 characters Completed
- Show the port operating mode on the HUD display - display mode selected: Completed
8a - add Save button 8b - show actual MAX operating status - not requested value Bold
Dot/ Ring status Replaced by A and B
- A 2 pair mode A - A B - 4 pair - B 2 pair mode B
Color coded status - as read back from the MAX chip
- Bold Green = live with power on the port - 802.3at - Bold Yellow - live with 802.3af - Bold Blue = live with passive PoE - weak Yellow = 802.3at/af enabled but no load detected - add kWh consumed since last power cycled - " Change Power consumed" into "Current (mA)
- Watchdog timer for CPU Completed
- Started: Add mini-snmp to read-only get the status of all 24 ports using https://github.com/troglobit/mini-snmpd
we would support the vendor specific OID of Current, Voltage, Watts and Mode
The Modes are: Command
| Mode A pins
| Mode B pins
| 00
| Off
| Off
| 01
| Off | Passive enabled/active on mode B | 02
| Off | 803.3af enabled/active on mode B | 03
| Off | 802.3at enabled/active on mode B | 10
| Passive enabled/active on mode A | Off | 11
| Passive enabled/active on mode A | Passive enabled/active on mode B | 12
| Passive enabled/active on mode A | 803.3af enabled/active on mode B | 13
| Passive enabled/active on mode A | 802.3at enabled/active on mode B | 20
| 802.3af enabled/active on mode A | Off | 21
| 802.3af enabled/active on mode A | Passive enabled/active on mode B | 22
| 802.3af enabled/active on mode A | 803.3af enabled/active on mode B | 23
| 802.3af enabled/active on mode A | 802.3at enabled/active on mode B | 30
| 802.3at enabled/active on mode A | Off | 31
| 802.3at enabled/active on mode A | Passive enabled/active on mode B | 32
| 802.3at enabled/active on mode A | 803.3af enabled/active on mode B | 33
| 802.3at enabled/active on mode A | 802.3at enabled/active on mode B |
- Completed add API to control the outputs Completed
curl -X GET http://admin:admin@ -d port=12 -d action=Mode -d value=00 { "Port":"12", "SetMode":"0", "ModeA":"0x80", "ModeB":"0x80" }
curl -X GET http://admin:admin@ -d port=12 -d action=read { "mode":"0", "current":"0", "Volts":"0.00", "Watts":"0.00"}
11a - save these values to Flash 11b - the read function - the mode needs to be 2 digits - 00, 11, 22 33 etc
curl http://username:password@IP_ADDRESS/API/?port=[port#]&Action=[ Mode | Read ]&Value=[as needed]
port# = 1-24 or ALL Action = Read or Mode
Read = return Mode, mA, Volts, Watts (for the selected port, or the total of all ports) Mode - see values below
Read ALL ( port=ALL or port missing) returns the Input voltage, the total current for all ports, and Watts is he total current times the voltage.
Mode = set mode requested 00 = off x1 = Passive enabled/active on mode B x2 = 803.3af enabled/active on mode B x3 = 802.3at enabled/active on mode B 1x = Passive enabled/active on mode A 2x = 802.3af enabled/active on mode A 3x = 802.3at enabled/active on mode A
- NOT STARTED Expand API to control the outputs - add limits - add Alerts
curl http://username:password@IP_ADDRESS/API/?port=[port#]&Action=[ Mode | Read | Detect | Limit | Over | Fuse ]&Value=[as needed]
Detect: Value = 1 or 0 ( send alert on PowerOn/Off change for any port). This is triggered if 802.3af or 802.3at is detected, or if the passive load changes from 0 to greater than 10 mA
Limit: Value = set current limit for each port [or ALL] , 0 to disable
Over: Value = 1 or 0 ( send alert if current Limit exceeded on any port or ALL) send alert - don't cut power until Fuse is active
Fuse: Value = 1 or 0 ( disable power to the port if the current Limit is reached ) cut power with or without an Alert
- NOT STARTED Alert Action - what to do about an alert or port status change.
a) Curl - Curl is simply an HTTP request to a [ IP/DNS address/path ] and [ port ] ( default 80) please see https://curl.haxx.se/libcurl/ in linux, curl is http://username:password@IP_ADDRESS/PATH/?device="devicename" -d port=[port#] -d Mode=[Mode] -d UpDown=[1:0] -d Over[1:0] in this case - Mode is the active mode at the moment, not the requested mode. If 33 is requested but 01 is detected, send 01
b) Syslog - note, syslogs are always stored locally in Ram, and transmitted by Ethernet if the user enables it. syslog is a udp packet to an [ IP/DNS address ] and [ port ] (default 514) - values in quotes are variables from the user interface please see https://techzone.ergon.ch/syslog-message-format https://https://stackify.com/syslog-101/ Timestamp "DeviceName" "AlertType" Notice Local0 "message Port# Mode=xx Current =yy UpDown=[1:0] Over=[1:0]"
- NOT STARTED Power on sequence setup mode
Options: All at the same time or - XXXX milliseconds wait time between port, starting with port 1
- NOT STARTED Autoping
list of Ping destination and rules, one set for each 24 ports #type of Ping ( curl[port] or classic Ping) #IP Address or DNS ( DNS not cached) #time between pings #number of failed pings before action #action ( Cycle, Fail Action, Success Action) - Cycle if Fail #off time for the power cycle ( seconds, 0 if alert only) #wait time after power cycle before first ping attempt - Fail Action # port mode to change to ( Off, Passive A, Passive B, 802.3af A, 802.3at A, 802.3af B, 802.3at B - Success Action # port mode to change to ( Off, Passive A, Passive B, 802.3af A, 802.3at A, 802.3af B, 802.3at B all failures will be logged
- NOT STARTED add events to the Syslog function
timestamp - event ( up/down with PoE type) timestamp - user log in timestamp - changes made timestamp - power up/down Flush log to Flash every 15 minutes or on power fail ( check this option )
- OLED issues Completed
display IP address
- NOT STARTED SSL HTTPS TLS 1.2 - if possible... Self Signed Cert
Project to add SNMP write support
- NOT STARTED ZQ Brand OUI for the mac addresses
- NOT STARTED Port Follow Command
a) define a port as the Control port ( Say port 24) b) define a list of ports as the Follow ports ( Say 1,3,5,7,9....) c) If the Control port changes from 802.3at to 802.3af or off, then the Follow ports change as defined below d) A 2000 millisecond delay is built in to allow for keep alive e) The Follow ports can be set as follows:
Control Port ->[ 24 ]
| off
| 802.3af A
| 802.3at A
| 802.3af B
| 802.3at B
| Follow port one line per port
( example)
| [ X ] Off [ ] Passive A [ ] Passive B [ ] 802.3af A [ ] 802.3at A [ ] 802.3af B [ ] 802.3at B
| [ ] Off [ ] Passive A [ ] Passive B [ X ] 802.3af A [ ] 802.3at A [ X ] 802.3af B [ ] 802.3at B | [ ] Off [ ] Passive A [ ] Passive B [ ] 802.3af A [ X ] 802.3at A [ ] 802.3af B [ X ] 802.3at B | [ ] Off [ ] Passive A [ ] Passive B [ ] 802.3af A [ ] 802.3at A [ X ] 802.3af B [ ] 802.3at B | [ X ] Off [ ] Passive A [ ] Passive B [ ] 802.3af A [ ] 802.3at A [ ] 802.3af B [ X ] 802.3at B |
support the method in case 3 and 4 https://mzltg.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Emergency-article-commercial-version.pdf
- NOT STARTED Power Outage using Ethernet Phy
Can you detect the loss of a PHY connection on the Ethernet port? In other words, if there was at some point, a 10/100 mb connection on the port physically ( no ping test - just a physical connection), and that connection goes away - can you detect that? if so - I would like to add one feature a new checkbox, that enables this: a) a memory of any 802.3at enabled ports had an negotiated 802.3at client, prior a power outage. This means that each time a state change occurs from no client to 802.3at, or from 802.3at to empty - that the flash needs to be updated, Call this per port bit LastAT b) test at start up and no PHY connection , then set those ports with LastAT == 1 to a per port user defined setting with a checkbox as either [ ] 802.3af OR [ ] Passive. c) once a PHY connection is established, if the checkbox is [X] then each LastAT port off for 250 ms, then go to the configured mode d) if the PHY is lost, and the checkbox is [X] then go to b e) if the checkbox is [ ] then delete all LastAT and don't update function - with Ethernet active - we assume that the main power is alive. If main power fails, then that port is disconnected, and the GBT changes from 802.3at mode to another mode.
NOT STARTED Configuration backup and restore. Save the present configuration to a file, upload a configuration file from disk. Config will be in plain text, variable=value, one per line NOT STARTED LDAP for user access management - need LDAP server
Change PoE Mode page to have 8 buttons per port Completed
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