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TCM1C24 TearDown/Upgrade

 The TCM1C24 device has:

- touch panel
- two 0603 LEDs to light up the panel - one warm, one cool
- 78L05 linear voltage regulator with a max voltage of 30v  ( U1 )
- VBA1307 drivers with 60v for Warm and Cool   ( Q1, Q4 )
- unknown MCU for control  ( U2 )  - probably FMD or similar for under 20 cents
- Filtered input (D1) allows external PWM dimming

The device requires 300 mW internally - wasted energy.

The device can only switch abruptly from Warm to Cool

No dimming is provided on board - we assume external dimming by PWM or no dimming


1) allow 60v operation - cost 1 cent  ( D2 )

2) support EU1254 remote kinetic or battery switch ( $2 )

3) support redundant power supplies

4) support stepless color tuning and on-board dimming

Modification to wider input range:

Move D1 to the - (minus) side of the Warm LED  T8
Add D2 to the -
(minus) side of the Cool LED   T9


Wasted  power  of 240 mW is shunted to the LED in the mirror.

Input voltage works from 24v to 60v


A little background - Kinetic switches are wireless and have no battery to replace,
  • Per code - at least one is fixed to the wall at the door, to insure it does not get lost - it is fixed with sheetrock screws and trimmed with a wall plate. So pairing will be very infrequent - and would be done in the factory or builder by a knowledgeable operator.
  • a removable wall switch has magnets to hold it to any other location, from there it can be lost - and pairing would be needed for the replacement. 
  • a user might want to add additional remotes - and also need pairing. 
  • a user might want to change how existing remotes operate
  • a user might want to remove remotes
Pairing options are:
  1. a USB stick with master pairing control is available
  2. if the LED/Fan/Shade driver has WiFi, it can be connected to the home network, and placed into pairing mode by the user
  3. the driver has a physical button that can be pressed to enter pairing mode ( a ladder might be required )

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