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AL - DALI - Wiz


The AL-DALI-WIZ interconnects the Cloud (via App, Alexa, IFTTT, or Google Home etc) to and from a DALI bus, to a DMX512 bus and/or to a 0-10v fixture. Using the Wiz Connected Home App, you can enable the cloud to control lighting. The Cloud app is linked to Amazon Alexa, Google Home, or any other cloud service. The AL-DALI-Wiz connects to your home WiFi network on the 2.4 ghz band.



Power Input

The AL-DALI-WIZ requires an input voltage between 24-56v with a max power of 1 watt. There are two ways of powering the module. The first is to connect a 2.1mm DC barrel connector to the power input. The second is to provide power to the pins directly using the 24-48v and GND pins on the green connector.

IMG_5367  IMG_5361


The 8 DIP switches on the side control the addressing method for the DALI and DMX outputs.


The most common switch positions are broadcast and group select. More switch modes can be found in the AL-DALI-WIZ manual.

 - 11111111 - Switch values will be broadcast to all DALI fixtures, including those with no short addresses assigned. This can be used before any DALI setup has occurred to check if every device is connected to the DALI bus. 

Group Select - XXXX0010 - The first four bits set the group address. This gives user the option to group switches together without the need for configuration. LSB is switch 1, therefore DALI group 3 has switch 1 and 2 ON.

Individual Address - XXXXXX00 - 64 addresses are possible.  LSB is switch 1, therefore address 5 is 10100000

DALI Connections

To connect the AL-DALI-Wiz to the DALI bus there is a set of pass-thru DALI connections on the module marked DA.  If CAT5 wire is used, the brown pair ( pins 7,8) are used to connect to the AL-WS family of products, polarity is not significant.  The Orange pair in CAT-5e ( Pins 1,2) are used with the PWS-POE family of products. 

To retract the spring, press down on the orange lever next to the terminal. Once the spring is retracted, insert 1/4" of stripped wire into the terminal. The AL-DALI-Wiz does not supply DALI bus power so it needs to be connected to an existing DALI bus with a DALI power supply.   It is not a DALI master - it sends DALI commands on the DALI bus to DALI drivers.

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