SLM70 LV DC Exhaust fan
Rough in for the Wall Switch
There are four methods to control the Exhaust Fan:
| Switch
| # Gangs
Light and Fan at the same time
| AL-WS-Bath
| 1
Light and Fan with independent switch
| AL-WS-Bath + simple switch
| 2
Light and Fan with smart timer and independent control
| AL-WS-DR2F + simple switch
| 2
Light and Fan with Humidity control
| AL-WS-Bath + AL-WS-Sensor
| 2
Compatible Fan Drivers
SLM70 Ceiling Rough in / Trim
The SLM70 has two parts
- Metal case with Vent collar
- Black motor assembly
Deliver the Metal case to the HVAC guys and let them rough it in to the outside exhaust. You can purchase the metal case stand alone here:
Wire the FAN to the Gang wall box using AWG18 wire. Wait until Sheetrock is primed and painted. Install LVDC fan motor and wall switch(es)