Battery powered on-site tester with 8000 mAh, 13 watts
Use this device to power rough in installations when AC is not available. Test up to 4 LEDs in series - but not at full power
Use for
- AL-WS-DR2 installations with 25% or 50% max dim
- AL-PWS-DR1 installations with 24v PoE ( 2 leds )
- AL-PWS-DR1 installations with 4 leds at 50% max dim
Components for constant current mode
| # Leds
| Step Up Converter
| Switch
| Voltage out
| current out
Bare Leds
| 4
| AL-LDB-Z45
| 12v
| 45v
| 300 mA
| 4
| AL-LDB-Z45
| 12v
| 45 v
| 300 mA
| 2
| none - use the POE
| 24v
| 24v
| 600 mA